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Hire a Virtual Assistant

What a Virtual Assistant can do for you and your company!

Marie, a virtual assistant and the owner of Royal Executive Assistant LLC, provides remote services that can save money and grow your business. As a virtual assistant, Marie works as an administrative assistant to help businesses get those time-consuming extra tasks done that a business owner may not have time to do or may not want to hire an employee. She provides services such as administrative tasks, website development, data entry, email marketing, email management, and social management for small business owners. Most companies today do not want to add expenses to the payroll; by outsourcing, they hire contractors who fit their requirements and work for them. More and more companies are going this route, and Marie is handling her clients' needs with more time for herself at the end of the day. Most of the services she performs are monthly budgeting, organization, weekly scheduling, social media management, travel agent, customer service, events planner, and creative initiatives. Every client is different and wants one or more of these objectives taken care of, and Royal Executive Assistant LLC is ready for every task it takes up.

The difference between a virtual assistant and a virtual executive assistant is the workload and the job tasks that can be handled. A virtual assistant may do the company's work as a whole, but a virtual executive assistant will assist the company owners in their positions. Both will do the same task for the most part. Whatever an owner or a manager cannot handle, the virtual executive assistant will pick up the slack to keep the business going forward. They are also an entrepreneur and a business owner themselves working through contracts with their clients. Marie can do it all with the administrative services and lighten the workload off of a business. The less stress a business owner or company has, the more efficient it will run. So the more Marie can do for the company, the more work she gets. A virtual executive assistant is also another business that runs on the testimonies of the clients. Marie has several.

What is a virtual assistant?

A virtual assistant is a remote office assistant. Such assistants can provide the same administrative, clerical, and support services to your business that a secretary might do in person. From booking appointments to handling travel arrangements to taking meeting minutes and even handling project management, if it can be done remotely, a virtual assistant can help. Virtual assistants help businesses reduce administrative overhead by serving as flexible, reliable, and resourceful sources of talent.

Why hire virtual assistants?

Do you need help with simple administrative tasks such as scheduling meetings and answering phone calls? Or do you also require industry-specific experience such as knowledge of government standards for document control? The cost of your project will depend largely on your scope of work and the specific skills needed to bring your project to life. The trick to finding top virtual assistants is to first identify your needs.

How much does it cost to hire a virtual assistant?

Rates can vary due to many factors, including expertise and experience, location, and market conditions.

An experienced virtual assistant may command higher fees but also work faster, have more-specialized areas of expertise, and deliver higher-quality work.

A contractor who is still in the process of building a client base may price their virtual assistant services more competitively.

Hire a Virtual Assistant and Focus on Your Passion

If you’re feeling tired and overwhelmed with building your business, you’re not alone. Most entrepreneurs work long hours simply because they haven’t learned how to leverage their time and delegate to others effectively. They suffer from what our friend Chris Ducker, best-selling author of Virtual Freedom, calls “Superhero Syndrome”.

A lot of entrepreneurs think that they can do everything themselves, and because of that belief, that’s exactly what they do. What they lack in efficiency they make up for in work ethic, often at the risk of burning out.

Your job as an entrepreneur is not just to create a job for yourself. That’s what freelancing and self-employment are for. An entrepreneur is someone that builds systems and hires people that help run their business for them.

A Virtual Assistant likely won’t be the only person you add to your team as you grow your business, but they should definitely be one of the first. Hiring a Virtual Assistant helps free up more time for you to focus on activities that have a greater impact on your life and business.

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