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Find Out What Makes a Good Virtual Assistant

Have you ever stopped to ask what makes a good virtual assistant? You need to be asking this question. Because currently, there are thousands if not millions of virtual assistants, yet only a portion of them boast about making enough money.

Why are there only a few people getting all the jobs while others are busy begging for work?

It is a combination of factors that you’re about to discover below.

what makes a good virtual assistant

A Good Virtual Assistant is Reliable

Remember that being a virtual assistant means working with clients in different states or continents. Therefore, for someone in Europe to trust that you’re going to deliver their expectations from your home in Texas, they ought to believe that you can deliver.

The way to prove this is by being reliable in your communication. Update your clients on time, talk to them when you cannot deliver, and deliver as and when promised.

Another way to be reliable is to complete the task as you had described in the contract. Anything short of that may render you unreliable and you may lose customers.

A Good Virtual Assistant is Attentive to Details

No client will trust that you’ll write for them a great blog post when you send them messages infested with typos.

Train yourself to identify the smallest details possible, and act on them with seriousness. It will show clients that they can depend on you to correct their mistakes. Including simple embarrassing mistakes like misspelling a client’s name.

what makes a good virtual assistant

A Good Virtual Assistant Prioritizes Tasks Depending on Urgency

The truth is that not every task your clients assign you will be urgent. Plus, you’ll have more than one client that gives you work.

Therefore, you have to manage all the tasks and prioritize them based on urgency. Deliver the most urgent tasks first and clients will like you even more.

You may use a project management task such as Trello or ClickUp. They are far much better when it comes to being organized and not missing a deadline. With these tools, you’re also more likely to increase your yearly income.

Need More Tips to Succeed as a Virtual Assistant?

What makes a good virtual assistant is all about how you manage your business. Join our community for all the tips that make a successful VA from beginner to expert level.

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