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Should I Become a Certified Virtual Assistant?

By becoming a certified virtual assistant, you’ll win more high-paying clients. This is what some virtual assistants think. As a result, many VAs face the dilemma of becoming certified or working without certification.

On the one hand, there are people of the idea that you need certification to improve your chances of getting more clients and improve your rankings as a virtual assistant. On the other hand, there are those of the opinion that you do not need certification to score clients or be good at what you do.

In all fairness, all these arguments make sense. All the arguments hold water. In some instances, you will find clients who will demand certifications for the skills or courses you claim to have pursued. However, as you may have noticed, working as a virtual assistant, most clients prefer you send them a portfolio that includes a sample of your previous jobs.

So, which way is best. Let’s find out here as we weigh in on the discussion.

It is Not a Must to Become a Certified Virtual Assistant

Let no one scare you into finding certification as a virtual assistant. It is not a requirement for you to succeed as a virtual assistant. Here are some reasons why.

There is no Certification Body for Virtual Assistants

In most cases, certification is done by a professional body. These bodies usually have their own set of certification requirements, key among them passing a certification exam. Currently, there exists no such professional body for virtual assistants.

What exists are independent training companies that provide certification after finishing a course. For example, Yoast and Hubspot academies provide certification upon completing SEO courses. Therefore, each certification you receive is specific to each skill you gain.

There is No Way to Prove Virtual Assistant Certification

As we have mentioned, there is no certification body for virtual assistants. Therefore, there is no defined structure or requirements for virtual assistant certification.

However, you can get individual skill certification from recognized professional bodies. For example, if you want to be a virtual assistant specializing in accounting, take a professional course in accounting. You can pursue the course from a professional body such as ACCA.

Why Specific Skills Certification May be a Good Idea

Just because there is no virtual assistant certification body does not mean you do not need to be a professional virtual assistant. That does not miraculously happen. Professionalism means that you possess certain skills that enable you to be the best at what you do. Therefore, there is no harm in bearing a certificate that attests to your abilities in a specific area.

Certification could be Proof of Your Professionalism

Earlier, we had discussed the need for building a virtual assistant portfolio. Among the things to include in your portfolio is a certification for the various courses you have undertaken. It is another means to improve the attractiveness of your portfolio.

In other cases, some customers prefer certification as proof that you have undertaken a given course. Every customer has their preferences regarding the type of person they want to hire. Therefore, there is no harm in equipping yourself with such a certificate in case you come across such a customer.

Take Classes to Enhance Your Skills

Henry Ford once said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” Learning should be a lifelong process for everyone. Therefore, never let a learning opportunity pass you.

If possible, take up the initiative of pursuing online courses that will help you enhance your skills. You will be glad to know that most institutions offering these courses keep updating them. Therefore, there will always be something new for you to learn. On the other hand, some of these courses may have the bonus of a certificate at the end. There is no harm in adding this to your list of achievements.

Where to Take a Virtual Assistant Course

Are you looking to improve your credentials as a virtual assistant? You can increase your chances of scoring more clients by improving your skills as a VA. Join the Royal VA Academy to learn at zero cost and increase your skill rating as a virtual assistant.


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