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Email Marketing for Coaches: 5 Types of Emails to Send to Your List

Unlike a product like headphones, for email marketing for coaches, it is hard to showcase your expertise in one go. As a coach, your expertise is your product, and it may be hard to describe it all at once.

Even if you can do it, talking about what you can do, what you have done, and the results you can provide may not win your potential client’s trust. You need to build a relationship with your potential so that you can build trust, and then convince them to buy your services.

One of the ways to do that is by creating an email list and nurturing them with emails that will help build trust. Here are five types of emails to send to your list and get the results you desire.

Share Your Recent Blog Posts or Podcasts

It’s good if you’re already posting blogs to your website. But you need to know that not everyone on your list keeps up with your blogs. Everyone is busy working on their businesses and others in their corporate jobs. They may love your blog but fail to remember to check out your latest posts. Especially on their busiest days.

Therefore, create an email that includes your latest blog posts. Send this email blast to your list to remind people to check out the valuable tips you’ve shared recently. You’ll occupy some real estate in your potential customer’s minds with these updates. And they won’t shy away from seeking your help when they need it.

Share a Client Case Study with Your List

As a coach, you’re obliged to keep your client’s personal information confidential. And you should do that. However, you can ask your client for consent to create a case study about them.

If they are not comfortable having their names shared, promise them that you’ll use fictitious names that won’t trace back to them. If the client agrees, create a case study and share it with your list. Here is where you explain the client’s problem, how you helped them solve it, and summarize the results the client got.

A case study will hook anyone who needed a little more convincing to sign up for your services. And it will build more trust in your services.

Answer a Frequently Asked Question

Think about this, how often have you been asked a question about your coaching business or profession? Or how often have you seen people ask such questions online? People ask such questions all the time.

The least you can do is to answer such questions through email blasts. And you’ll see how practicing email marketing for coaches will bear more fruits than you thought.

Therefore, get to work right now and start answering those questions for the people on your list now that you can’t do it for everyone in the world.

Share an Inspiring Story/ Book

Not every email you send should be about marketing your services. Sometimes, the people on your list just want to connect. They are not always in the mood of being asked to buy, subscribe, or take other actions. They want some inspiration too.

And as a coach, this is where you showcase your ability to relate with individuals.

Find an inspiring story from a book, the internet, Youtube, or other online space and share it with your list. This will keep them looking forward to your emails. Because they will know you care for their well-being even if you’re in business.

Share Exclusive Content that You Haven’t Shared Anywhere Else

As humans, we love it when others make us feel special. And you can use email marketing for coaches to make your subscribers feel special. By sharing exclusive pieces of content that you haven’t shared on your blog or social media pages.

Think about something you can share with your list, and do it. Ensure that the people on your list know that this is exclusive to them only. They will feel special and not want to miss out on your emails.

Some things you can share include: special events for people on your list only, tips that you have learned working with other clients, books you have read, and your personal experiences.

Let Us Help You Automate Your Emails

Sending the above types of emails will be even better when you automate the emails. So that everyone on your list can receive the emails no matter when they joined or will join your list. Get in touch for help automating your emails to make your coaching businesses more efficient.


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